Cha-Cha-Cha-Chia Ideas

Chia seeds have been around for centuries in the Mexican culture.  I was reported that the ancient Aztecs, Mayans, and Toltec empires had extensive uses for these little seeds including diet, religious ceremonies, and medicinal purposes.  The word  “chia” in Mayan means “strength.”

Today, this little superfood is gaining a lot of popularity for its health benefits including beauty-enhancing perks. 

Like many of the foods I have written about in the past, chia seeds have antioxidant benefits.  As a reminder, antioxidants help protect from and fight free radical damage which ultimately lead to premature aging.. 

This superfood is also abundant in omega-3 fatty acids.  These good fats will help strengthen your hair, skin, and nails while decreasing inflammation and dryness. 

Chia seeds are loaded with magnesium as well. This has been reported to lower cortisol levels which may have benefits on headaches, fatigue, and general well-being. 

And now let’s talk protein!  One serving of chia seeds has 11 grams of fiber and 4.4 grams of protein.  Protein is a necessary component of collagen production. 

I have incorporated chia seeds in my diet by adding them to my smoothies.  Some people add them as substitution for eggs in recipes or thickeners for soups because chia seeds can absorb 10 times their weight in water!   

So, here’s a cha-cha-cha-chia receipe:

Overnight Chia Soak

1/4 c chia seeds

1 c of almond, flax, pea, or coconut milk

Soak the seeds in the milk for at least 20 minutes (preferably the night before). Add some fresh berries as topping. Consider a drizzle of maple syrup or toasted coconut as well. Enjoy

XOXO Loralee

Loralee Koontz